GEAR Center Researchers

Center Director

Amos Winter’s research and teaching focuses on the marriage of mechanical design theory and user-centered product design to create simple, elegant technological solutions for use in highly constrained environments.
Center Faculty

Gabriella Carolini’s research and teaching are centered on providing a grounded critical analysis of how the governance of infrastructure development—including its financial architecture, implementation, and especially evaluation—shapes the distributional, procedural, and epistemic fairness of infrastructure projects, their benefits, and the health of urban communities across the Americas and Africa.

Hugh Herr’s K. Lisa Yang Center for Bionics is working with GEAR Center to realize high-performance, low-cost, passive prosthetic feet together for both developing and developed countries.
Center Scientist

Bryony Dupont is spearheading new research initiatives in Decarbonization and Renewable Energy Systems at a global scale, focusing on hardware-based solutions for low-and middle-income areas and those communities most impacted by the climate crisis.
Hock E. Tan Fellows

Leonardo Capeleto de Andrade
Postdoctoral Fellow, GEAR Lab
Leonardo Capeleto de Andrade works on solutions addressing critical challenges emergent from the polycrises of climate change and rapid urban growth in the Amazon, focusing on sustainable, co-designed water and sanitation solutions for vulnerable groups.

Chotiwat Jantarakasem
Postdoctoral Fellow, GEAR Lab
Chotiwat Jantarakasem will conduct problem scoping and identify research opportunities where cutting-edge technology can address pressing needs to improve access to clean water and sufficient, safe food for people around the world, particularly in vulnerable and underserved communities.

Sai Vadhula
Fellow, GEAR Lab
Sai Vadhula is leading the expansion of GEAR Center’s impact in improving health-span in low and middle income countries through design and development of affordable medical devices for screening, diagnosis and treatment of non-communicable diseases.

Rose Yin
Postdoctoral Fellow, GEAR Lab
Rose Yin is focusing on combining her interests and experiences to develop medical devices for global health.
Graduate Students

Melissa Brei works on designing and testing small-scale desalination systems for resource-constrained communities around the world.

Jeffrey Costello is researching the design and construction of municipal-sized desalination systems for the US southwest.

Autumn Geil works on the optimization of passive prosthetic feet for both developed and emerging markets.