Supported Researchers

Hock E. Tan GEAR Center Fellowship Program

In honor of Hock E. Tan ’75 SM’75, these fellowships support young global engineers, designers, and researchers focused on addressing compelling, high-impact challenges.

Duncan Lee

Herr Lab 

Duncan Lee works on improving understanding of the gait and joint mechanics of people with amputation, and applying this knowledge to better design prosthetic foot-ankle devices.

Benjamin Weizer


Benjamin Weizer is developing cost-effective, off-grid desalination and drip irrigation systems for water-scarce markets, utilizing unique market insights and concurrent design to access unconventional water sources for agriculture.

J. Douglas Tan Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

In honor of J. Douglas Tan, these fellowships support postdocs for up to two years of research on autism.

Ying Jiang

Postdoctoral Fellow, Jasanoff Lab 

Ying Jiang works on development and application of neural circuit-specific imaging tools for functional MRI to understand the brain circuits for face processing in primates.

Jinyoung Kang

Postdoctoral Fellow, Boyden Lab

Jinyoung is developing and applying expansion microscopy technology for revealing synapse configurations with ~15 nm resolution in health and disease models.

Menglong Zeng

Postdoctoral Fellow, Feng Lab

Menglong Zeng is understanding the molecular language that brain cells use to communicate with each other, and how it goes awry in the context of various brain disorders.

headshot of Zheng Zhou

Zheng Zhou

Postdoctoral Fellow, Feng Lab

Zheng Zhou is advancing the application of ultrasound imaging in awake mouse models of autism to assess drug and gene therapies, specifically targeting a large-scale brain network associated with mental disorders.

Y. Eva Tan Fellowship Program

In honor of Y. Eva Tan, these fellowships support graduate students or postdocs for up to two years of research and development in molecular therapeutics.

Valerio Francioni

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harnett Lab

Valerio Francioni combines in vivo subcellular imaging with brain-computer interfaces to study how dendrites shape the activity of cortical circuits during learning.

Yuting Ke

Postdoctoral Fellow, Jasanoff Lab

Yuting Ke works on the optimization of genetically encoded fMRI probes and their applications to cellular and circuit-level neuroimaging in multiple animal models.

Nagina Mangal

Postdoctoral Fellow, Graybiel Lab

Nagina Mangal uses genetic engineering in animal models to study striatal circuits of the basal ganglia.

Chunyan Wu

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harnett Lab

Chunyan Wu is advancing and employing multiphoton microscopy techniques for in vivo imaging with a particular emphasis on investigating dendritic computation within the mouse cortex.

Brain-Body Center Fellowship Program

The K. Lisa Yang Brain-Body Center offers two years of support for graduate students or postdoctoral researchers investigating neurobiological mechanisms and therapies that interlink a healthy mind and healthy body, including gut-brain interactions, aging, pain and acupuncture.

Annesya Banerjee

Graduate Fellow, McDermott Lab

Annesya Banerjee develops computational models of cochlear implant-mediated hearing perception with the long-term goal of guiding the development of improved stimulation strategies for cochlear implants. 

Itay Fayer

Graduate Fellow, Jasanoff Lab

Itay Fayer’s research explores brain-body interactions in vivo using MRI-based methods.

Sreeparna Pradhan

Postdoctoral Fellow, Flavell Lab

Sreeparna Pradhan studies the role of neuropeptides in gut-brain communication, and their effects on animal behavior and physiology.

Jillianne Wisnewski

Graduate Fellow, Moura Silva Lab

Jillianne Wisnewski examines how macrophages bridge communication between the brain and adipose tissue in order to control systemic metabolism.

Center for Bionics Fellowship Program

The K. Lisa Yang Center for Bionics provides fellowships for graduate students developing novel neural-mechanical interfaces for control of bionic limbs.

Graduate Fellow, Boyden Lab

Nick Barry is developing a platform for ultra-high-throughput library-on-library screening of designed proteins with potential applications in antibody maturation, immunogenicity prediction, enzyme engineering, viral escape prediction, and proteomics.

Tsung-Han Robin Hsieh

Graduate Fellow, Herr Lab

Tsung-Han Robin Hsieh is developing a neurally-controlled ankle-foot prosthesis that mimics natural biomechanics, offering enhanced mobility and comfort to people with amputation.

ICoN Center Fellowship Program

The K. Lisa Yang Integrative Computational Neuroscience Center offers two year fellowships for graduate students and postdocs to work collaboratively across neuroscience disciplines and develop computational models based on data acquired from molecular, physiological, imaging and behavioral experiments.

Fabio Catania

Postdoctoral Fellow, Ghosh, Gabrieli, and Seethapathi Labs

Fabio Catania focuses on understanding the behaviors and communication patterns of autistic people through the lens of human-robot interaction.

Antoine De Comite

Postdoctoral Fellow, Feng and Seethapathi Labs

Antoine De Comite aims at developing comparative models of naturalistic motor control across species and populations.

Lakshmi Govindarajan

Postdoctoral Fellow, McDermott and Fiete Labs

Lakshmi Govindarajan’s research draws from modern statistical tools to provide computational accounts of the interface between perceptual and cognitive processes in biological systems.

Guillermo Herrera-Arcos

Graduate Fellow, Herr Lab

Guillermo Herrera-Arcos is applying genetic engineering to control the peripheral nervous system as a means of restoring muscular function after paralysis.

Abhiram Iyer

Graduate Fellow, DiCarlo, Fiete, and Harnett Labs

Abhiram Iyer works on computational models of neocortical microcircuits and dendrites to construct more biologically plausible learning rules as an alternative to traditional deep learning.

Maedbh King

Postdoctoral Fellow, Ghosh and Gabrieli Labs

Maedbh King focuses on building computational models that integrate biological and behavioral information to develop risk predictors of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Michelangelo Naim

Postdoctoral Fellow, Yang and Graybiel Labs

Michelangelo Naim uses machine learning tools to model memory, behavior and learning principles of the brain.​

Aran Nayebi

Postdoctoral Fellow, Jazayeri, Halassa, and Yang Labs

Aran Nayebi’s interests lie at the intersection of systems neuroscience and artificial intelligence, where he uses tools from deep learning and large-scale data analysis to reverse engineer neural circuits.

Gal Raz

Graduate Fellow, Saxe, Frank, and Tenenbaum Labs 

Gal Raz is interested in how humans and infants choose to focus their visual attention and how to make computational models to explain this.

Enrique Toloza

Graduate Fellow, Harnett Lab

Enrique (Quique) Toloza tests what types and sizes of neural networks are best matched to different behavioral tasks.

Greta Tuckute

Graduate Fellow, Fedorenko Lab

Greta Tuckute studies how language is processed in the human brain and how the representations learned by humans compare to those of artificial neural networks. 

Chengxu Zhuang

Postdoctoral Fellow, Saxe and Fedorenko Labs

Chengxu Zhuang is building ecologically plausible AI models and using these models to better understand brain functions.

Yang Postbaccalaureate Scholar Program

This program provides two years of paid laboratory experience, mentorship and education to prepare recent college graduates, from backgrounds underrepresented in neuroscience, for applications to top graduate and medical schools.

Joseph Itiat

Yang Research Scholar – Gabrieli Lab

Joseph Itiat researches the relationship between learning and value processes, their influence on future-oriented decision-making, and the underlying mechanisms driving these processes.

Sam Merrow

Yang Research Scholar – Feng Lab

Sam Merrow is elucidating the role of several glial cell types in different brain disorders.

Alex Negron

Yang Research Scholar – Fiete Lab

Alex Negron is using artificial recurrent neural networks trained on simulated cognitive tasks to answer what architectural and algorithmic principles are fundamental to the way brains and machines learn.

Zoe Pearce

Yang Research Scholar – Wang Lab

Zoe Pearce’s research project focuses on defining the inputs and outputs of the primary somatosensory cortex through virus tracing method.